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bikini styling beyond the basics

The classic bikini is the epitome of simplicity, and perhaps that’s where its charm lies. These two pieces of waterproof fabric are worn when basking under the sun and diving into salty waves. When getting sandy and sweaty, it might not seem ideal to dress up this ensemble. Yet, simplicity isn’t everyone’s forte. For maximalists,…

the evolution from paper dolls to outfit inspo tiktoks

It’s a Saturday afternoon, and during a mindless TikTok scroll, you stumble upon a slideshow of ‘Outfits based on your favourite chick flicks.’ The first shows a white maxi dress, alongside kitten heels, a Vivienne Westwood triple-row pearl choker, a blush-pink bra and a pink tiered cake, subtitled Marie Antoinette. The next, a mauvey-pink baby…